Facebook Learning and Support forum: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Automation.vMix/
On this page we have provided some resources to try and help to get started with Automation for vMix.
This page is a work in progress, please come back and check it periodically for updates. It was last updated on August 5th, 2019. We hope to add some 'getting started' type videos here over the next few weeks. To get the ball rolling, here are some useful links. Make sure you are using at least v0.0.84 of Automation.
Spreadsheet templates: These are the layouts required for setting up a schedule, title management and scripting. Note that it is not necessary to use any of these sheets if you do not need these features. Some of automation's features are entirely accessible through the Graphical User Interface and more GUI tools are in the pipeline.
Open these and use the drop-down menus to select FILE / Make a Copy and store them in your own Google account.
In order to use these sheets, you will need to click the green "share" button in the top right hand corner of each sheet, after you have made a copy. Then select 'get shareable link'. This will make the sheet accessible to Automation. Copy the link for each sheet into the appropriate box on the Automation panel. As you do so, note in the log box if there are any errors.
You are now DONE installing the app. Please refer to the manual for more detailed instructions on installing these sheets. Note - the manual refers to different links for the spreadsheets, which are the ones we use for testing. These are worth a look if you want to see what we're working on next.
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